Young stockman with 4 years beef experience 3 years dairy experience and some sheep experience. Looking for a full time roll on a beef farm however I dont mind a mixed farm with variety.
Not listed
Mainly Livestock
DIY AI in cattle
Disbudding calfs
Responsible use of medicines training
Full Car Licence
Tractor, Telehandler/Fork Lift, Fencing
Dairy, Beef, Pig, Sheep, Lambing, Calving
I have driven different tractors and done different tasks with them Ive done the most with Massey Ferguson tractors. I have also driven JCB, manitou and merlot telehandlers.
I have worked with livestock for 5-6 years I have worked with dairy and beef cattle. Sheep and pigs. I have experience in calf rearing milking feeding dehorning handling cattle. Checking stock. AI with cattle and pigs. Bedding and more
Im married and we have 3 children we are looking for a 3-4 bed house
North Yorkshire
I love rugby union and I like to go shooting and beating
Started off working on a mixed farm with pigs sheep cattle and buffalo. I helped with all stock then I left and was a groundsman at Fakenham racecourse. After realising working with cattle is what I wanted to do I started working on a dairy farm in Warwickshire in August 2018 till March 2020. I worked on a 400 hundred head dairy farm in March 2020 till June 2021. Since then I have worked on mixed farm with a suckler heard and sheep
Start: 28/02/2025 Finish: Not Specified