CV Ref No. CV Reference No. - 44964

Experienced shepherd-stockman, hard working and experienced in all aspects of sheep farming.
Tractor driving

Qualifications and Experience
Relevant qualifications


Type of farming wanted

Mainly Arable, Mixed Farming

Other qualifications

Sheep craftsmanship, health and safety, Medication administration certificate

Driving Licence

Full Car Licence, Tractor Licence

Equipment experience

Tractor, Baler, Ploughing, Drilling, Telehandler/Fork Lift, Fencing

Livestock experience

Beef, Sheep, Lambing, Calving

Other equipment experience

Quad bike, Volvo BM, corn cart.articulated vehicle,bale carting,drilling,land preparation,tele handling cultivating,electric weighing, sheep shearing, silage making, grass production, topping,

Other livestock experience

Sheep manager of 2000 mule/mule x ewes and followers

Shepherd manager of 1000

Finn/Texl and pure Gotland ewes and followers, producing 1800 store lambs for winter fattening, on a in housed grass silage system. Selling direct to abattoir, on a 3000ht farm in Sweden. Contractor sheep shearing of the summer months. Store lamb production of 20-25000 lambs, stubble turnip feeding with electric fencing as part of a team. Helped out with 400 head of beef. Head shepherd of 3200 Blue du Maine x bulhar ewes and followers on a closed flock system, on a live firing army training ground. 150 Bulhar speckle faced sheep on a sire reference scheme.

Personal information


Other Information

I have been a sheep shearing judge for the Swedish National Sheep Shearing Competition for the past 3 years. I have shown pedigree texls at Malmo sheep show with success. I have also shown pedigree Herefords and Limousin cattle at the Royal Norfolk Show and The Suffolk Show.



Marital status

wife and 2 grown up children and four grandchildren



Where are you currently living?

Baldock Hertfordshire

First language


Do you have the right to work in the UK?


Other languages



spending time with the family. Training young working dogs

Pen picture (Height, weight etc.)

6ft 94kg

Relevant health problems


Farming background

From a farming background with 35 years sheep husbandry experience, with flocks ranging in sizes from 1000-3500 ewes with followers. Seven years self employed sheep contractor.


Start: 13/02/2025 Finish: Not Specified

Preferred region


Type of job


Where would you like to work?


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