32 year old experience in dairy beef sheep and arable farming, gamekeeping and estate maintenance looking for long term job and progression.
Not listed
Mainly Livestock, Mixed Farming
National diploma in game and countryside management Deer stalking course level 1
Full Car Licence
Tractor, Tracked Machine, Telehandler/Fork Lift, 360 Ticket, Fencing
Dairy, Beef, Sheep, Lambing, Calving
Range of machinery experience, tractor and implements, feeder wagon, tele-handler and attachments, digger dozer and larger equipment experience, and fencing knowledge.
Calving of beef and dairy,
Aswel as beef cattle husbandry.
Experience working on a dairy farm milking 550 on a 50 cow Rotary. Overseeing and all husbandry on beef and sheep herds ranging from 250 to 550 ewes and 50 to 220 cattle beef and dairy followers.
Partner 2 children
United Kingdom
South Gloucestershire
Rugby Fishing Shooting
6.4 18 stone
2011-2014 stockmen-fencing contractor day to day care of 500 ewes and 50 beef cattle.
2017-2019 herdsperson milking 550 cattle aswel as yard duties and feeding.
2023-2024 stockman/farm worker day to day care of 260 sheep and 150 beef cattle all aspects of care, aswell as general farm work from field operations to general estate maintenance. 2024 to present currently overseeing head of 220 cattle half beef half dairy replacements from 14 weeks up to finishing or returning to Dairys. All aspects of husbandry.
Start: 25/02/2025 Finish: Not Specified
South West
Beef herd/estate