Shepherd/GFW looking for work on a livestock farm. Have experience with commercial, pedgriee and dairy sheep, contract calf rearing and fat cattle. Work in the Midlands or South West.
NVQ Level 1,2,3
Mainly Livestock, Mixed Farming, Other
Level 3 extended diploma in agricultural
Level 2 environmental and land based diploma
Full Car Licence
Tractor, Telehandler/Fork Lift, Fencing
Beef, Sheep, Lambing
Telehandler experience using pallet forks, muck bucket, bale spikes and muck grab, spread-a-bale
Truck and livestock trailer experience
Setting up pratley and alligator handling systems
Combi clamp unit for weighing and selecting fat lambs, foot trimming, drenching.
Quad bike and buggy experience
Tractor and trailer experience, muck carting and bale carting, topping, hay-bob
TMR feeding on a relief base
I have dealt with commercial, pedgriee and dairy sheep and use to run my own small flock.
I have experience in contract calf rearing- rearing up to 2000 calfs a year on milk bar feeders and I have experience handling black and white bulls and fat cattle.
June 2020 - August 2023 I was an assistant shepherd on an organic sheep dairy. My main role is assisting the head shepherd in the day to day running of the flock, lambing 6 times a year with groups of around 400 ewes in each lambing. I also did vaccinating, worming/drenching, weighing and selecting fat lambs for market, artificial rearing lambs on teat broads, electric fencing and strip grazing, dagging, foot trimming, tagging and footbathing, hauling ewes and lambs between farms and to markets, selecting replacement teasers and ewe lambs. Getting ewes ready for tupping and lambing. I helped with solving on going issues within the flock, relaying information back to the head shepherd. I organise several members of staff daily with jobs that need doing around the yard and speak with our TMR tractor driver about diets for our in lamb ewes and fattening lambs and work our shed/feed space which works best for everyone who is involved. Ive used Tru test scanners and helped with collecting data of the ewes to help improve the flock. I covered the head shepherd role when they were off, which involved communicating with the vets and scanning man if issues arise.
2015- 2020 contract shepherd. I worked as a self employed contract shepherd mainly working on 3 flocks. 1 flock had 1700 commercial suffolk cross ewes and texel ewes, lambing from January to March, i also helped out with selecting fat lambs, worming, dagging, foot trimming and foot bathing, vaccinating and electric fencing. The 2nd flock was a 400 head pedgriee Charmoise Hill flock where i helped with lambing, dagging, foot trimming, gathering and moving stock, selecting replacement females and breeding rams and some showing experience. I also have used shearwell data stock
The last farm was my own family farm where we had 300 commercial Suffolk cross and 100 North Country Miles breeding ewes lambing March / April which we lambed inside in polytunnels and sold all lambs as fat of a creep base system. We also reared up to 2000 calves a year on contract having groups of around 200 calves every 5 weeks and we fatten black and white bulls where we aimed to get them to 400kg at 10 months old.
I was mainly in control of running the flock and helped out with feeding and rearing calves, weighing, vaccinating, drenching and footbathing, disinfecting sheds, moving stock and general farm work.
Start: 01/04/2024 Finish: Not Specified
Midlands or south west