CV Ref No. CV Reference No. - 86367

Experienced Arable Operator looking for development opportunity and to gain more challenging experience on an arable farm or working estate, looking for work in South England. Currently based in BA area.

Qualifications and Experience
Relevant qualifications

City and Guilds, BSc

Type of farming wanted

Mainly Arable, Mixed Farming, Other

Other qualifications

BSc Hons in Agriculture from University of Reading
City and Guilds - PA1, PA6A, PA4S & PA4G
NPors - Telehandler & Digger Ticket over 10t

Driving Licence

Full Car Licence, Tractor Licence

Equipment experience

Tractor, Ploughing, Drilling, PA1, Tracked Machine, Telehandler/Fork Lift, Fencing

Livestock experience

Dairy, Beef, Pig, Lambing, Calving

Other equipment experience

Driven tractors for the past 12 years

Ploughed using a 5 furrow reversible plough

Drilled using a combi drill and a direct drill, as well as maize drill

Summer 2019 with DTSC was spent on different tracked machines

Various experience driving telehandlers around yards and moving fertiliser through to bales

Experienced rake operator

Lead maize drill operator

Other livestock experience

Many years handling cattle on various mixed farms

Previous work experience with both pigs and dairy

Some basic calving and lambing experience

Personal information


Other Information




Marital status

Partner who will move with me


United Kingdom

Where are you currently living?


First language


Do you have the right to work in the UK?


Other languages



Shooting Watch sport, live and on the tv Spend time with friends and family Travelling

Pen picture (Height, weight etc.)

Male 6ft Good eyesight Hard working Enthusiastic

Relevant health problems


Farming background

Farm & Contractor - April 2021 - Present: Senior tractor operator and farm worker. Lead maize drill operator. Other Drill operators, Maize, 4 rotor & twin rotor rake operator, Grass and whole crop silage, muck spreading, silage/straw bale hauling, grain carting field to farm, hauling planings, tedding, turning straw with a rake, square bale wrapping, telehandler work, carrying out yard jobs and loading and unloading bales, towing a fuel bowser and fencing. Slug pelleting. Shared responsibility for circa. 550 head beef suckler herd

Trowbridge, Wilts - January 2021 to March 2021: Home Delivery Driver

Farm, Poulshot, Devizes, Wilts - June 2020 to December 2020: General farm work from harvest to drilling; involvement in all aspects of pre-harvest preparation including the loading of grain lorries and relevant paperwork, silage and hay making including mowing, tedding and carting of bales, hauling of grain from field to store, moisture sampling and weighbridge ticketing, topping of grass margins and oilseed rape stubbles, cultivations such as light and heavy discing and some ploughing, odd day relief drilling with a combi drill and a Claydon direct drill

Speciality Crop Company, Bow Island, Alberta CAN - April 2019 to September 2019: Planting through to harvest experience and furthered knowledge of husbandry and processing of essential oils; operation of tracked vehicles and large cultivation equipment, maintenance and workshop skills furthered, running a chaser bin for harvest (wheat and peas) harvested and obtained the essential oil (dill and spearmint) via the process of distillation; general irrigation setup and maintenance

West Ashton, Trowbridge, Wilts - May 2018 to March 2019, June 2015 to September 2015 and May 2014 to September 2014: General tractor and farm work all summer and harvest; grass and whole crop silage, muck spreading, silage/straw bale hauling, grain carting field to farm, hauling planings, tedding, turning straw with a rake, square bale wrapping, some telehandler work, carrying out yard jobs and loading and unloading bales, towing a fuel bowser and fencing

Farm, Basingstoke, Hampshire - July 2017 to October 2017 and July 2016 to September 2016: General tractor and arable farm work all summer; including harvest work on wheat/barley/oats/OSR; also planting of lavender, bottling and labelling orders of peppermint products to be sold


Start: 04/03/2024 Finish: Not Specified

Preferred region


Type of job


Where would you like to work?

Southern England. Ideally BA area

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