CV Ref No. CV Reference No. - 82940

Im Melissa,from Leicestershire but willing to travel anywhere.I have my main experience in sheep and poultry (free range) but wanting to expand my horizon/knowledge on whats about, currently doing lessons till an availability for my driving pops up. Willing for any challenge

Qualifications and Experience
Relevant qualifications

BTEC, NVQ Level 1,2,3

Type of farming wanted

Mainly Livestock, Mixed Farming

Other qualifications


Driving Licence


Equipment experience

Tractor, Telehandler/Fork Lift, Fencing

Livestock experience

Dairy, Beef, Pig, Sheep, Lambing, Calving, Poultry

Other equipment experience

used telehandler plenty of times before

quadbike - for fencing

Volvo loader - plant operator

Other livestock experience



My responsibilities as a livestock assistant were to muck out, feed, bed down, check animals health and welfare also doing fencing job. Helping round the yard where is needed and others. My main duties were working with sheep and lambs, day to day duties driving telehandler around also a tractor to get from a to b .

Lambed 1200 ewes

Market tavern 2018-2020

Waitressing on wedding events and young farmers

Taking food out, cleaning up after advents, Glass collecting

Washing up

Public House, asfordby-2019-2019

Kitchen porter

Washing up pots and cleaning the kitchen

Putting salads on side of the plates

Hotel 2020-2020


Asking for orders drinks, bar work , taking food , setting up tables and clearing down tables at the end

JANUARY 2020 JUNE 2020


Working with 20,000 hens, duties consisted of egg collecting, grading, checking water levels and charting them down with the feed numbers to. Cleaning the eggs once collected and once grated sorted into s m l xl. Other duties was cleaning the work area so no cross contamination.

October 2021-February 2022

Poultry worker

Working with 6,000/12,000 hens.

Welfare checks ,egg grading ,checking water and feed

Cleaning dirty eggs and sorting out between good and bad eggs


Milking 50:50 parlour

550 jerseys

Bob cat scraping out

Checking rounds on sheep and cattle

Bedding calves down , feeding calves

Washing down parlour

TB testing

Volunteer work

Milking- checking for mastitis ,cleaning udders before milking and after .

Cleaning down parlour at the end of day , getting all the girls in, putting in freeze brand to the system . Checking on whats having antibiotics and making sure to not mix the milk with the good milk .

Ive milked 500/600 dairy in the 3 places Ive volunteered at

Lambing and calving

1st march 2022 to 6 may 2022

Lambing 500 ewes and calving 600 shorthorns

Lambed 300 ewes dec 2022 - first jan -2023

Fencing with rappa on quad bike

Wrapping up

Personal information


Other Information




Marital status



United Kingdom

Where are you currently living?


First language


Do you have the right to work in the UK?


Other languages



Outside of work I do a lot of baking in my spare time best is my lemon drizzle or my banana loaf Id say, going out with my mates to game shows and banger racing. Most of all spending time with my family is my mine life outside work as they mean a lot to me

Pen picture (Height, weight etc.)

5'7 brown hair and blue eyes

Relevant health problems


Farming background

2019-2020-lv2 agriculture brooksby college

2019-still continued -

been doing livestock work with sheep mainly,i started lambing then went on doing other jobs like worming,weaning,drenching,moving sheep about to different fields.i enjoy working with aside with sheep was wool wrapping and bedding down when lambing.Working with sheep i enjoy the most as have more experience in doing work with them as i find great interest.dairy-milking,making sure milk is all healthy and making sure tits are in good condition too also hooves.fencing jobs here and there


poultry work what i did was working on a free range farm in market harbough,working with about 20,000 hens.

the jobs i did was collecting the eggs from both side,then having to clean them after to go on the belts to get sorted,after cleaning the eggs we had to sort from firsts and seconds,seconds went to the side.other jobs i did was egg grading that is sorting eggs from XL,L,M,S and stamping them to get packed away.every hour we checked if the chickens where smothering on the nest box side and the other side too.




Welfare checks

60,000 hens

Egg grading

Water temp checks

Stamp eggs



Dairy 550 jersey cows

Sheep routines , cow routines

Wipe down teets, check for mastitis , medication given when needed


Start: 04/02/2025 Finish: Not Specified

Preferred region


Type of job


Where would you like to work?

Anywhere along as its welcoming

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