CV Ref No. CV Reference No. - 66290

Shepherd/ stocksman

Qualifications and Experience
Relevant qualifications

NVQ Level 1,2

Type of farming wanted

Mainly Livestock, Mixed Farming

Other qualifications

Nvq2 land based serive engineering (farm equipment)

Driving Licence

Full Car Licence

Equipment experience

Tractor, Baler, Ploughing, Telehandler/Fork Lift, Fencing

Livestock experience

Dairy, Beef, Sheep, Lambing

Other equipment experience

atv licences held, blue seal in sheep shearing, first aid at work qualification.

Other livestock experience

I grew up on a 1500 acre hill farm in the Cairngorms in Scotland where we had 800 hill sheep and 50 head of cattle. I worked on this on and off till I moved to England and then worked on it part time during the busy times until my grandfather retired. Since moving to England I went to brooksby Melton college where I did a land based operations course and a nvq2 in land based service engineering. Whilst I was at college I was working 3 to 4 days a week on a dairy farm milking at weekends and other odd jobs when I was not at college. I have worked for various agricultural contractors over the harvest period. I was until during Covid working on a farm in England with beef cattle and sheep. I then returned to Scotland to contract shepherd for a shooting estate in the Angus glens, I then moved in to a beef and sheep farm in Perthshire shire looking after 900 ewes and 140 Aberdeen Angus cattle. I am currently a shepherd in the borders running 1500 hill ewes with another 600 in bye ewes.

Personal information


Other Information




Marital status

I have a wife and 3 children aged 13, 11 and 9



Where are you currently living?


First language


Do you have the right to work in the UK?


Other languages



I like to keep fit and spend time with the family do a lot of outdoor walking.

Pen picture (Height, weight etc.)

5 11. 11 stone 11

Relevant health problems


Farming background

I grew up on a hill farm in Scotland where we had 50 hill cows and 800 black faced sheep I worked on this farm up until I was 18 by then I was part time as I was living in England and then I went on and worked on a dairy farm milking 140 cows through a 20/20 herringbone parlour. I was helping calve rearing and other duties round the farm. I then went on to work in an other industry for a while as couldnt find any more farm work due to the previous employer retirement. I got a chance to get back to farming for a few months with an agricultural contractor, there I was tractor driving with the seasonal team grass and maize silage and muck spreading and bale carting. Since then as stated above I have been working on a small beef and sheep farm up until his retirement.

As above


Start: 18/06/2024 Finish: Not Specified

Preferred region


Type of job


Where would you like to work?

Ideally Scotland but will consider other areas.

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