Second year University of Nottingham student studying BSc (Hons) Agricultural and Livestock Science with a passion for sheep and beef production. Keen interest in regenerative farming, ruminant genetics, calf rearing, pedigree sheep and cattle, and livestock exhibition.
Mainly Livestock
Currently studying BSc Agricultural and Livestock Science at the University of Nottingham.
Full Car Licence
Not listed
Beef, Pig, Sheep, Lambing
Digger and 9 ton dumper operation on a construction site.
Lamber for 4 years with 5 years experience. Lambed all flock sizes (large, smallholding), and many pedigree and crossbreeds. Shown beef cattle and was a stockman on a school farm for 8 years. Farm housed native and continental bullocks, commercial ewes and lambs, a few sows farrowing once a year, pheasants and small pets.
United Kingdom
Hill Farm- Lamber-March 2024- April 2024
A large farm with 750 ewes, 100 prime lambs, 150 suckler beef cows, and a small flock of pedigree Blue Leicesters. I took on the role of a Lamber for the whole of April, lambing 700 ewes indoors and outdoors. Ewe breeds include Swaledales, Beltexs, Texels and Cheviots, with lambs sired by Beltex, Texel or Swaledale rams, providing me a wealth of experience with many breeds. I set up lambing pens, races, and lambing equipment ready for the first group of ewes to be bought indoors. I worked in the lambing shed by myself most hours of the day, working alongside the farming family a few hours each day. My day-to-day responsibilities included:
•Lambing ewes with complications, including breeches and bilateral shoulder flexions.
•Ensuring lamb adoptions were successful, placing in lamb adopter yokes if necessary.
•Ensuring housed ewes and lambs have clean, dry bedding and feeding equipment to maintain a high standard of cleanliness; and were in good health, treating with medications/ drenches if necessary.
•Taking indoor ewe and lambs outdoors when ready.
•Checking pregnant cows for signs of calving, and ensuring they always have silage and water.
•Caring for cade lambs and lambs in need of heating and medication; operated and maintained a Heatwave milk warmer.
•Various yard chores, including sweeping around lambing pens and organising and cleaning lambing equipment; mucked out horse stables and turned out horses.
Center for Dairy Science Innovation, a University - March 2023 to April 2023
I worked a few shifts here to gain dairy cattle experience. I managed the Youngstock Unit during one of my shifts, allowing me to gain confidence in independently managing livestock.
Responsibilities included:
• Feeding/stomach tubing new-born calves colostrum, monitoring them to ensure their vigour improved and following up with appropriate treatment/supplementation if needed.
• Maintain a high standard of biosecurity when moving to different areas of the facility, dipping my boots, and cleaning off my waterproof trousers.
• Ensuring the Lely Robotic Milkers were running smoothly, and the surrounding environment was kept clean.
• Operating colostrum heaters and Lely automatic calf feeders, ensuring both where operating at the correct temperatures.
• Selecting and moving cows to be seen by a Cogent AI Technician each morning.
• Maintaining cleanliness in maiden heifer, lactating and dry cow enclosures by scraping beds and washing down water troughs/feeding equipment.
• Dehorning calves with a gas dehorner, injecting Novocain based on their weight and age.
Farm-Farm Assistant- July 2022 to present
A school farm for Special Educational Needs and Disabilities Pupils, providing land-based education. Home to companion animals, equines, and small livestock. I work here during my university breaks.
•Daily responsibilities include mucking out stables and ensuring biosecurity measures are met, feeding, handling, and training the animals to a high standard for the safety of the children.
•Initiated and leading show stock routines for two ewes and two gilts. Tasks include washing and trimming the ewes fleeces; board and cane training the gilt. Driven attitude towards carding and trimming the ewes with a short deadline improved my show preparation efficiency. Responsible for individually assembling quarantine pens and procedures for two ewes, monitoring for signs of ill health, and informing staff on the importance of the biosecurity measures.
•These responsibilities improved my interpersonal skills, team work in building relationships with a diverse group of staff with a range of animal husbandry experience to delegate tasks accordingly.
Farm- Lamber-March 2021 to August 2023
A large, mixed farm with 400 Suffolk Mule ewes and 150 suckler beef cows. Lambed the flock outdoors and performed general farm chores (March-August each year).
•Involved in all aspects of lambing, including sock lamb husbandry, administering medication, and lambing ewes that needed assistance when completing independent field checks. Improved my confidence in stomach tubing, and administering subcutaneous and intramuscular injections.
•Disassembled lambing pens, cleaned lambing equipment, and hand sowed an acre of potatoes once all ewes had lambed.
•Assisted the farm manager in disbudding 40+ beef suckler calves after the calving season.
Westlands Young Farmers Club- Member and Chairman-September 2015- July 2022
A school Young Farmers Club revolving around calf, lamb, and piglet rearing, allowing members to oversee lambing and the husbandry of young stock (with the supervision of the Club Leaders).
•Attended this club daily for 7 years, caring for and exhibiting stock of various species and ages; competing in Confirmation, Young Handler and Turn Out classes. Notably exhibited a purebred British Blue freemartin heifer, winning multiple champion titles in handling and knowledge classes. Recorded her daily live weight gain, feed intake, and took health check notes.
•Packed beef, pork, and lamb cuts after sending stock to our local abattoir, operating professional vacuum sealers.
•Elected Club Chairman twice (20-22), holding training sessions for the members about basic livestock husbandry and current agricultural affairs. Assisted the Farm Managers in planning the clubs annual lambing and stock purchases up to 26 months in advance, completed livestock movements and entry forms for events, enhancing my overall agricultural knowledge.
The chairman role improved:
•My public speaking abilities by holding daily meetings with members and farm staff, and through confidently teaching members livestock husbandry and showmanship skills.
•My livestock show preparation skills as I would teach members and staff various techniques to prepare livestock for shows. Organised "mock livestock classes with ex-members to practice these skills further.
Nov 22- Present: Returned to my club as a YFC teacher leader, collaborating with the Farm Manager to prepare the members for upcoming shows, their new farm renovation, and various Young Farmers competitions.
Start: 15/09/2024 Finish: 01/08/2025
Very happy to relocated for a 9-12 month University Placement.