CV Ref No. CV Reference No. - 108264

Dairy farmer looking for a new job

Qualifications and Experience
Relevant qualifications


Type of farming wanted

Mixed Farming

Other qualifications


Driving Licence

Full Car Licence, Tractor Licence

Equipment experience

Tractor, Tracked Machine, Telehandler/Fork Lift, Fencing

Livestock experience

Dairy, Sheep, Calving

Other equipment experience

Experienced in using bobcats on dairy farms. Scraping / yard worker and using forklifts, have done lantra 1:1 tractor course 2 dayer, aswell as done work on nhts90 nh270 jd6020 case puma 140 carting tedding mowing muck spreading and little bit of tmr feeing

Other livestock experience

I worked on a local farm for a few weekends last summer helping with sheep during lambing season. From there I got the bug and started working on a dairy farm and since then Ive been on a few around wales

Personal information


Other Information




Marital status

Have a partner but accommodation wouldnt be needed for her but would be a plus if she was able to come up every once in a while


United Kingdom

Where are you currently living?

South wales

First language


Do you have the right to work in the UK?


Other languages



I love to go to the gym as my dad is a professional bodybuilder and helps me greatly however he currently lives abroad. So its just me. I love to go on hikes and I have a great passion for mountaineering.

Pen picture (Height, weight etc.)

Hight is 5ft10. Weight is 74kg Actively go to the gym and stay in healthy condition

Relevant health problems

No Health problems

Farming background

Machine engineer who found a love for farming. Some experience on a dairy farm doing all dutys involving cows Also helping with silage season etc.

Worked on a farm last summer for a few weeks. Havent managed to get much other farm jobs since then as its very hard as a teenager. Ive currently got a job as a machine engineer for a bio labcompany however Ive always been attracted to working outdoors and with animals. Have got a btec in animal care that I did back in school however its not of much use as I havent been able to get much hands on experience with animals due to not many jobs. Ive got an impressive cv and have been working since 15. (Now 19). Im very social and hard working. Im used to working 16 hour work days in my job and Im experienced with power and hand tools due to working in the heavy Industry. In my current job we produce antibiotics,probiotics and vitamins. Im experienced with fixing maintaining and using industrial equipment. Im looking for somone who would be willing to give me a chance to work on a farm


Start: 27/01/2025 Finish: Not Specified

Preferred region


Type of job


Where would you like to work?


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