Im from northern Ireland and live on a beef and sheep farm. i want to gain experience doing a harvest. i have a good knowledge of driving machinery and am enthusiastic and a willingness to work and learn.
Not listed
Mainly Arable
im studying FdSc Agriculture & Technology and BSc Sustainable Agriculture at greenmount college
Full Car Licence, Tractor Licence
Tractor, Ploughing, Telehandler/Fork Lift, Fencing
Dairy, Beef, Sheep, Lambing, Calving
worked with lots of different equipment on my own farm and also worked with a contractor during the summer.
grew up on a beef and sheep farm so i have worked with livestock my whole life and also have done milking for neighbours
United Kingdom
study at college and then farm at home when not studying
Date: June 2019 to June 2019
Duties:store worker
Keeping the store tidy and keeping the store levels maintained
Date: June 2022 to August 2022
Duties: drawing silage, Spreading slurry
Date: July 2023 to September 2023
Duties: Grain carting, rolling and muck spreading also general work around the farm like grain pushing and cleaning and maintaining the machinery
Date: September 2023 to Present
Duties: putting up stock proof fencing and security fencing. Rolling out wire and setting up posts also driving in staples.
Interests and hobbies
My hobbies include Young Farmers which allows me to meet other young people that have the same background and same interest as myself this is good because it means I get to be around people who can help me achieve my personal and career goals. I also farm in my spare time on my family run farm which has been passed down through generations which I hope to own one day. This has helped with my teamwork skills because everyone has jobs to do to get everything done in the yard. Also, it improves my communication skills because I can listen and follow instructions effectively. My main interest is certainly farming because its what I do in my free time before and after school. Farming is my main focus and I enjoy tractor work or animal work as I like both these farming aspects. We farm sheep and beef in which we buy stores or suck calves, or we buy drop calves to rear on a cow or milk replacer so there is always something to be involved with. With the sheep we have 100 ewes and about 50 ewe lambs that we lamb from the start of March. Therefore, I have a sound understanding with animal husbandry and working with machinery. I also help out neighbours when doing silage this consists of raking, tedding and carting silage and also buckraking. I am a confident driver and am up to do anything
Start: 15/02/2025 Finish: Not Specified